A REVIEW has been demanded by councillors on plans to turn off streetlights overnight in Brentwood.

Lib Dem members David Kendall and Barry Aspinell have called in the scheme which would see lights around the borough switched off between midnight and 5am every day.

The pair believe a number of issues such as the state of footpaths in need of repair, the amount of potholes on roads and fear of crime have not been taken into proper account.

Essex County Council has rolled the project out across the county as a money saving scheme.

Having originally been due to start on Monday, the plans have been pushed back to March 1.

Mr Kendall, ward member for Brentwood South, said this time should be used by County Hall bosses to look at the project more thoroughly.

He said: “We believe it would be very irresponsible of the county council to introduce part night time lighting across the borough when we have roads littered with deep potholes and footpaths in urgent need of repair.

“We are also not convinced that residents concerns about possible increases in crime and anti social behaviour have been properly addressed.

“Last year Brentwood residents paid £33 million in council tax to Essex County Council and we want to see more of that money spent back here in the borough on the issues that really matter to our residents.”

The matter will be reviewed at by Rodney Bass, councillor responsible for Highways, council officers and Place Services and Economic Growth Scrutiny Committee members on February 27.