AN ELDERLY couple are angry about plans to introduce a weekly cleaning charge for people living in council flats.

Ted and Shirley Darsey, of The Gore, Basildon, don’t think it is fair they should cough up the cash, as they and other residents have kept communal areas clean for the past 12 years.

St George’s Community Housing, which manages Basildon’s council housing, is set to introduce the £3 weekly charge across the district in April.

However, Mr and Mrs Darsey say it will eat into their pension, and that a contractor will be collecting the money without having to do the job.

Mr Darsey, 72, said: “The housing association will be paying a contractor to clean the communal areas and the windows.

“But there will be no point as we do that already.

“The cleaner will basically come in, see it’s been done and walk away with our £3.”

He added: “If other people want this charge, that’s up to them. What we want is at least an option not to pay for it.”

The couple have lived in the block of four flats for 12 years and have chipped in to clean the lobby and stairwells over the years.

Mrs Darsey, 75, added: “We’ve told the council we don’t want the cleaner because we keep it clean ourselves.

“It’s terrible to charge pensioners £3 a week for work they are already doing.”

Jo Medhurst, spokeswoman for St George’s, said: “Consultation was undertaken with all tenants and leaseholders on the proposed new service. A letter has been sent to all tenants and leaseholders with an update on the project.

“If tenants are in receipt of housing benefit, the costs of the service charge is paid for as part of the housing benefit entitlement.

“Consultation undertaken with tenants did explain there would be charge for the cleaning service of between £2 and £3 a week.”